




            Publications by Dr. C.H. Patterson            

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1990 - 2000

Understanding psychotherapy: Fifty years of client-centered theory and practice. (2000). Ross-on-Rye, UK: PCCS Books. ( Click here to Preview or Order )

With Suzanne Hidore, Successful psychotherapy: A caring, loving relationship (1996). Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. ( Click here to Order on Amazon.com )

With C. Edward Watkins, Jr., Theories of psychotherapy (5th ed.) (1996). New York: Addison Wesley Longman. ( Click here to Order on Amazon.com )

1980 - 1989

Theories of counseling and psychotherapy (4th ed.) (1986). New York: Harper & Row.

The therapeutic relationship: Foundations for an eclectic psychotherapy (1985). Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Theories of counseling and psychotherapy (3rd ed.) (1980). New York: Harper & Row.

1970 - 1979

Foundations for a theory of instruction and educational psychology (1977). New York: Harper & Row.

With H. Kaczkowski, Counseling and psychology in the elementary school (1975). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

Relationship counseling and psychotherapy (1974). Harper & Row.

Edited with H.A. Moses, Research readings in rehabilitation counseling (1973). Champaign, IL: Stipes Printing Co.

Humanistic education (1973). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Theories of counseling and psychotherapy, 2nd ed. (1973). New York: Harper & Row. (Translated into Spanish)

Edited with H.A. Moses, Readings in rehabilitation counseling (2nd ed.) (1971). Champaign, IL: Stipes Printing Co.

An introduction to counseling in the school (1971). New York: Harper & Row. (Translated into Thai)

1960 - 1969

Rehabilitation counseling: Collected papers (1969). Champaign, IL: Stipes Printing Co.

The counselor in the school: Selected readings [Editor] (1967). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Theories of counseling and psychotherapy (1966). New York: Harper & Row. (Translated into Japanese)

Counseling and guidance in schools: A first course (1962). New York: Harper & Row. (Translated into Farsi [Persian])

Readings in rehabilitation counseling (1960). Champaign, IL: Stipes Printing Co.

1950 - 1959

Counseling and psychotherapy: Theory and practice (1959). New York: Harper & Row. (Translated into Japanese and Spanish)

Counseling the emotionally disturbed (1958). New York: Harper & Row.

The Wechsler-Bellevue Scales: A guide for counselors (1953). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.


1940 - 1949

With F.L. Spano, Breast feeding, maternal rejection and child personality (1941). Character & Personality, 10, 62-68.

Note on the measurement of the results of attitude education: An area of needed research (1942). Journal of Educational Psychology, 33, 469-470.

A note on the Rethlingshafer scale to tendency-to-continue (1942). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 34, 237-239.

The relationship of Bernreuter personality scores to other parent characteristics, including parent-child behavior (1943). Journal of Social Psychology, 17, 77-88.

A note on the Bernreuter personality of mothers and some measures of child personality (1943). Journal of Social Psychology, 17, 89-92.

The Vineland Social Maturity Scale and some of its correlates (1943). Journal of Genetic Psychology, 62, 275-287.

A note on concmitant changes in I.Q. in a pair of siblings (1943). Journal of Genetic Psychology, 62, 275-282.

Clinical psychology in the army: A bibliography (1945). Psychological Bulletin, 42, 393-395.

The clinical psychologist in an army hospital (1946). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 16, 215-221.

The relationship of Bernreuter scores to parent behavior, child behavior, urban-rural residence, and other background factors in 100 normal adult parents (1946). Journal of Social Psychology, 24, 3-49.

The Wechsler-Bellevue Scale as an aid in psychiatric diagnosis (1946). Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2, 348-353.

A comparison of various "short forms" of the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale (1946). Journal of Consulting Psychology, 10, 266-267.

On the problem of the criterion in prediction studies (1946). Journal of Consulting Psychology, 10, 277-280.

A further study of two short forms of the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale (1948). Journal of Consulting Psychology, 12, 147-152.

Is psychotherapy dependent upon diagnosis? (1948). American Psychologist, 3, 155-159.

Using the Wechsler-Bellevue Scales in counseling (1948). Minneapolis: VA Regional Office, 32 pp. mimeo.

Diagnosis and rational psychotherapy (1949). Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 109, 440-450.

Understanding the nervous veteran (1949). Minneapolis: VA Regional Office, 32 pp. mimeo (also VA Central Office, Washington, DC).

1950 - 1959

Note on "A qualification in the use of analysis of variance" (1952). Psychological Bulletin, 49, 148-150.

The classroom teacher and the emotional problems of children (1952). Understanding the Child, 21, 67-72. (Also in Education Digest, 1952, 18, 15-17; reprinted in J.M. Siedman [Ed.] Readings in educational psychology. Houghton Mifflin, 1955, 2nd ed., 1965; in W.A. Gullager, H.H. Lewis, & C.F. Cumbee [Eds.], Outside readings in educational psychology, Thomas I. Crowell, 1956, 2nd ed., 1964; in H.F. Clarizio, R.F. Craiz, & W.A. Mehrens [Eds.] Contemporary issues in educational psychology, Allyn & Bacon, 1969).

The interpretation of the standard error of measurement (1955). Journal of Experimental Education, 23, 247-252.

A note on the standard error of measurement (1955). Journal of Educational Psychology, 46, 239-242.

Diagnostic accuracy or diagnostic stereotypy? (1955). Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19, 483-485.

Rehabilitation counseling of the emotionally disabled (1955). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2, 264-270.

With W.B. Otterness, R.H. Johnson, & L.R. Peterson, Trade school norms for some commonly used tests (1956). Journal of Applied Psychology, 40, 57-60.

The Kudor pattern for bakers and baking students (1956). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 35, 110-111.

The prediction of attrition in trade school courses (1956). Journal of Applied Psychology, 40, 154-158.

Matching versus randomization in studies of counseling (1956). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 3, 262-271.

Predicting success in trade and vocational school courses: Review of the literature (1956). Educational and Psychological Measurement, 16, 352-400.

Interest tests and the emotionally disturbed client (1957). Educational and Psychological Measurement, 17, 264-280.

Theories of vocational choice and the emotionally disturbed client (1957). Educational and Psychological Measurement, 17, 377-390.

The use of projective tests in vocational counseling (1957). Educational and Psychological Measurement, 17, 533-555.

A comparison of counseled and noncounseled industrial school students (1957). Journal of Applied Psychology, 41, 240-242.

Counselor or coordinator? (1957) Journal of Rehabilitation, 23(3), 13-15.

With R.H. Johnson, Vocational objectives for the emotionally disabled (1957). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 4, 291-296.

The counseloršs responsibility in rehabilitation (1958). Journal of Rehabilitation, 24(1), 7-8, 11.

The interdisciplinary nature of rehabilitation counselor training (1958). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 36, 310-319.

With T. Linde, The MMPI in cerebral palsy (1958). Journal of Consulting Psychology, 22, 210-212.

Client expectations and social conditioning (1958). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 37, 136-138. (Reprinted in J.C. McGowan & L.D. Schmidt [Eds.], Counseling: Readings in theory and practice, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1962.)

The place of values in counseling and psychotherapy (1958). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 5, 216-223. (Reprinted in H. Ito [Ed.], Readings in counseling psychology. Vol. II, 1961, in Japanese; in J.C. McGowan & L.D. Schmidt [Eds.], Counseling: Readings in theory and practice, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1962; in W.E. Junkowa [Ed.], Human values and abnormal behavior, Scott, Foresman & Co., 1965; and in C.E. Beck [Ed.], Guidelines for guidance: Readings in the philosophy of guidance, Wm. C. Brown, 1966).

Two approaches to human relations (1958). American Journal of Psychotherapy, 12, 691- 708.

Attitudes toward work (1959). Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 7, 155-158. (Also in Public Aid in Illinois, 1959, 26(3), 1-3, 10 and The School Guidance Worker, 1959, 15(3), 16-22. Reprinted in C.E. Beck [Ed.], Guidelines for guidance: Readings in the philosophy of guidance, Wm. C. Brown, 1966).

Is the team concept obsolete? (1959). Journal of Rehabilitation, 25(2), 9-10, 27-28.

Kudor patterns of industrial institute students (1959). Personnel psychology, 12, 561-571.

Comment on Goodstein, L.D. & Grigg, A.E., Client satisfaction, counselors, and the counseling process (1959). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 38, 25-26.

Counseling as a relationship (1959). Journal of Rehabilitation, 25(6), 13-15. (Reprinted in C.E. Beck [Ed.], Guidelines for guidance: Readings in the philosophy of guidance, Wm. C. Brown, 1966).

1960 - 1969

With Feriha Baymur, A comparison of three methods of assisting underachieving high school students (1960). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 7, 83-89. (Reprinted in J.H. Siedman [Ed.], Readings in educational psychology, 2nd ed., Houghton Mifflin, 1965; E. Wandt [Ed.], A cross-section of educational research, David McKay; J.J. Gallagher [Ed.], Teaching the gifted child, Allyn & Bacon, 1965; M. Kornrich [Ed.], Underachievement, C.C. Thomas, 1965; J.J. Muro & S.L. Freeman [Eds.], Readings in group counseling, International Textbook, 1968).

Methodological problems in evaluation (1960). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 39, 270-274.

Characteristics of rehabilitation counselor trainees (1960). Urbana, IL: College of Education, 21 pp. mimeo.

A note on counselor personality and therapeutic techniques (1961). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 8, 89-90.

The self in current Rogerian theory (1961). Journal of Individual Psychology, 17, 5-11. (Also in Psychologia, 1961, 4, 156-162. Reprinted in C.E. Beck [Ed.], Guidelines for guidance: Readings in the philosophy of guidance, Wm. C. Brown, 1966; and in L. Gorlow & W. Katkovsky [Eds.], Readings in the psychology of adjustment, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1967.)

Should counselors be teachers? (1961). Newsletter, Illinois Guidance and Personnel Association, Spring, 27-31.

A note on the construct validity of the concept of empathy (1962). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 40, 803-806.

Evaluation of the rehabilitation potential of the mentally ill patient (1962). Rehabilitation Literature, 23, 162-172.

Trends in vocational rehabilitation counseling (1962). Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 5, 58-67. (Also in Michigan Rehabilitation Association Digest, 1962, 3, 42-47.)

Preparing the epileptic to work (1962). In G.N. Wright, F.A. Gibbs, & S. Linde (Eds.), Total rehabilitation of epileptics - Gateway to employment, pp. 157-160. Washington, DC: USGPQ.

Test characteristics of rehabilitation counselor trainees (1962). Journal of Rehabilitation, 28(5), 15-16.

Selection of rehabilitation counseling students (1962). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 41, 318-324.

With T.E. Rickard & H.C. Triandis, Indices of employer prejudice towards disabled applicants (1963). Journal of Applied Psychology, 47, 52-55.

Counseling the severely handicapped college student (1963). Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 6, 58-69.

Influencing work and social attitudes of cerebral palsied clients (1963). Cerebral Palsy Review, 24(6), 9-11.

The evaluation of guidance and counseling services (1963). Review of Educational Research, 33, 214-224.

Control, conditioning and counseling (1963). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 41, 680-686. (Reprinted in J.C. Bentley [Ed.], The counseloršs role: Commentary and readings. Houghton Mifflin, 1968.)

Comment on "Guidance-an examination" (1963). Harvard Educational Review, 33, 239-240.

Counseling and/or psychotherapy. [Comment] (1963). American Psychologist, 18, 667- 669. (Reprinted in J.E. Braun [Ed.], Clinical psychology in transition, 2nd ed., Howard Allen.)

The NDEA and counselor education (1963). Counselor Education and Supervision, 3, 4-7.

With T.F. Linde, The influence of orthopedic disability on conformity behavior (1964). Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 88, 115-118.

A unitary theory of motivation and its counseling implications (1964). Journal of Individual Psychology, 20, 17-31.

Supervising students in the counseling practicum (1964). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 11, 47-53.

A note on the evaluation of the effectiveness of counseling and psychotherapy (1964). Counselor Education and Supervision, 3, 129-131.

The irrelevancy of wishful thinking: Part Two (1964). Counselor Education and Supervision, 4, 21-23.

Methods of assessing the vocational adjustment potential of the mentally handicapped (1964). Training School Bulletin, 61, 129-152.

Counseling: Self clarification and the helping relationship (1964). In H. Borrow (ed.), Man in a world at work (pp. 434-459). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Counseling and diagnosis. [Comment] (1964). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 11, 297-298.

University and agency contributions to professional education (1964). In Agency-university communication, coordination, and cooperation. Studies in Rehabilitation counselor training, No. 3. Washington, DC: Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Phenomenological psychology (1965). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 43, 997-1005.

Brain damage and vocational rehabilitation (1965). Journal of Rehabilitation, 31(3), 24-26, 43-44.

Subprofessional functions and short-term training (1965). Counselor Education and Supervision, 4, 144-146.

With John B. Moredock, Personality characteristics of counseling students at various levels of training (1965). Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 13, 265-269.

Existentialism and disability (1965). Catholic Psychology Review, 3, 120-124.

Specialization in rehabilitation counseling 91965). In Vocational rehabilitation counselor specialization: Cause and effect. Atlanta, GA: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

A suggested blueprint for psychiatric rehabilitation (1965). Community Mental Health Journal, 1, 61-68.

The informal approach (1965). In Medical information in relation to rehabilitation. Studies in Rehabilitation Counselor Training, No. 4. Washington, DC: Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Counseling underachievers (1965). In J.C. Gowan and G.D. Demos (Eds.), Guidance of exceptional children. New York: David McKay.

Counseling. (1966). Annual Review of Psychology, 17, 79-110.

The two faces of science. [Editorial] (1966). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 12, 130.

An off-campus counseling practicum (1966). Counselor Education and Supervision, 5, 166-168.

The rehabilitation counselor: A projection (1966). Journal of Rehabilitation, 32(1), 31-49. (Also in NRCA Professional Bulletin, 1966, 6(2), 3-4).

Psychotherapy in the school (1966). Journal of School Psychology, 4, 15-29. (Also in D.S. Arbuckle [Ed.], Counseling and psychotherapy: An overview [pp. 142-161], New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.)

Where are we going? [Comment] (1966). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 45, 79.

Implications of developments in psychiatric treatment for rehabilitation (1966). Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 10, 1-10, 45-57.

Counseling: Vocational or therapeutic (1966). Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 15, 61-65. (Reprinted in H.H. Peters & J. Bathory [Eds.], School counseling: Perspectives and procedures, Peacock, 1968; also in J.C. Bentley [Ed.], The counseloršs role: Commentary and readings, Houghton Mifflin, 1968.)

Science, behavior control and values (1966). Insight, 5(2), 14-21.

Divergence and convergence in psychotherapy (1967). American Journal of Psychotherapy, 21, 4-17. (Reprinted in C.E. Smith & O.G. Mink [Eds.], Foundations of guidance and counseling: Multidisciplinary readings, Lippincott, 1969.)

Counseling the emotionally distrubed person (1967). Journal of Rehabilitation, 33(2), 18-21, 45.

Workshop in group counseling for Employment Service counselors (1967). Journal of Employment Counseling, 4(1), 26-28.

Specialization in rehabilitation counseling (1967). Rehabilitation Counselor Bulletin, 10, 147-154.

The practicum requirements in "Standards" - 1967 edition (1967). Counselor Education and Supervision, 6, 352-354.

Effects of counselor education on personality (1967). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 14, 444-448.

Elementary school counselor or child development consultant? (1967). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 46, 75-76. (Also in Michigan Elementary School Counseloršs Assocation Messenger, 1968, 1(2), 2-3.)

The person in contemporary psychology (1967). National Catholic Guidance Conference Journal, 12, 25-34.

The selection of counselors (1968). In J.M. Whitely (Ed.), Research in Counseling (pp. 68-101). Columbus, OH: Merrill.

Rehabilitation counseling: A profession or a trade? (1968). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 46, 567-571.

Some problems and proposals in college counseling (1968). In J.C. Heston & W.B. Frick (Eds.), Counseling for the liberal arts campus. Yellow Springs, OH: Antioch Press.

The counseling practicum: An ethical issue (1968). Counselor Education and Supervision, 7, 322-323.

Is cognition sufficient (1968). In C.A. Parker (Ed.), Counseling Theories and Education (pp. 85-96). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Personal counseling in the school (1968). In S.K. Pal (Ed.), Guidance in Many Lands: Educational, vocational and personal (pp. 64-78). Allahabad, India: Central Book Depot.

Relationship therapy and/or behavior therapy? (1968). Psychotherapy: Theory, research and practice, 5, 226-233.

The nature of counseling: Some basic principles (1968). Michigan College Personnel Association Journal, 5, 1-11.

Theories of counseling (1969). In D. Malikin and H. Rusalem (Eds.), Vocational rehabilitation of the disabled: An overview (pp. 191-216). New York: New York University Press.

Pupil personnel services in the automated school (1969). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 48, 101-108.

A current view of client-centered or relationship therapy (1969). The Counseling Psychologist, 1(2), 2-25, 63-68.

The counselor in the elementary school (1969). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 47, 979-986.

What is counseling psychology? (1969). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 16, 23-29.

With Rita Mintz, Marriage and career attitudes of women in selected college curriculums (1969). Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 17, 213-217.

Foreward to R.R. Carkhuff (1969). Helping and human relationships: A primer for lay and professional helpers, Vol. II (pp. vii-vix). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

The social responsibility of psychologists (1969). The Counseling Psychologist, 1(4), 97-100.

Some notes on behavior theory, behavior therapy, and behavioral counseling (1969). The Counseling Psychologist, 1(4) 44-56.

1970 - 1979

Power, prestige and the rehabilitation counselor (1970). Rehabilitation Research and Practice Review, 1(3), 1-7.

Autobiography, and a model for counseling and other interpersonal relationships (1970). In W.H. Van Hoose & J.J. Pietrofesa (Eds.), Counseling and guidance in the twentieth century (pp. 169-190). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Behavior modification in rehabilitation: A consideration of its values and limitations (1970). Rehabilitation Research and Practice Review, 2(1), 1-12.

Eclecticism revisited or revised? (1970). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 48, 520-522.

Counselor education for black counselors and for counseling black clients (1970). The Counseling Psychologist, 2(4) 112-113.

Are ethics different in different settings? (1971). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 50, 254-259.

Education and training as the preferred mode of treatment (1971). The Counseling Psychologist, 3(1), 77-79.

With Larry Stewart, Principles of counseling with deaf people (1971). In A.E. Susman & L. Stewart (Eds.), Counseling with deaf people (pp. 43-86). New York: Deafness Residence Training Center, New York University School of Education.

Invited comments on "The accreditation of rehabilitation counselors" (1971). Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 15, 86-88.

Counseling psychology in the 1970s (1972). The Counseling Psychologist, 3, 4-7.

Psychology and social responsibility (1972). Professional Psychology, 3, 3-10.

Ethical standards for groups (1972). The Counseling Psychologist, 3(3), 93-101.

The preparation of humanistic teachers (1972). Intellect, 101, 195-202.

The group relationship in the elementary school (1973). In M.M. Ohlsen (Ed.), Counseling children in groups: A forum (pp. 287-306). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Comments (1973). In V.E. Calia & R.J. Corsini (Eds.), Critical incidents in school counseling (pp. 15-16, 27-28, 75-76, 177-178). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Competence is not enough (1973). The Counseling Psychologist, 4(2), 66-67.

Beyond competence: Self-actualization as an integrative concept (1974). The Counseling Psychologist, 4(4), 82-86.

Humanistic education: The challenge to the counselor (1974). British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 2, 2-14.

With R. Nelson-Jones, Some effects of counselor training (1974). British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 2, 191-199.

Distinctions and commonalities between counseling and psychotherapy (1974). In G.F. Farwell et al. (Eds.), The Counseloršs Handbook (pp. 11-26). New York: Intext Educational Publishers.

The nature of education and the conditions for personal development (1974). In H.A. Moses (Ed.), Student Personnel Work in General Education (pp. 3-30). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

Facilitating personal development through counseling (1974). In H.A. Moses (Ed.), Student Personnel Work in General Education (pp. 56-75). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

Facilitating personal development in the classroom (1974). In H.A. Moses (Ed.), Student Personnel Work in General Education (pp. 158-175). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

With R. Nelson-Jones, Measuring client-centered attitudes (1975). British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 3, 228-236.

With R. Nelson-Jones, Effects of counselor training: Further findings (1976). British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 4, 66-73.

New approaches in counseling: Healthy diversity or antitherapeutic? (1977). British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 5, 19-25.

Insights about persons: Psychological foundations of humanistic and affective education (1977). In L.M. Berman & J.A. Roderick (Eds.), Feeling, valuing, and the art of growing: Insights into the affective (pp. 145-180). Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Rogerian counseling with children and adolescents (1977). In J.D. Noshpitz et al. (Eds.), Basic handbook of child psychiatry, Vol. III (pp. 203-215). Therapeutic interventions. New York: Basic Books.

The current state of counseling and psychotherapy (1978). International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 1(2), 139-145.

Cross-cultural or intercultural psychotherapy (1978). International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 1(3), 231-247. (Also in Hacettepe University Bulletin of Social Sciences, 1978, 1, 119-134.)

Humanistic concerns and behavior modification: Toward a basis for ethical practice (1979). In L. Beutler & R. Greene (Eds.), Special problems in child and adolescent behavior (pp. 187-215). Wesport, CT: Technomics Publishing Co.

1980 - 1989

Psychological testing and the counseling process (1980). In Brian Bolton & D.W. Cook (Eds.), Rehabilitation client assessment. Baltimore: University Park Press.

With C.E. Watkins, Jr., Some essentials of a client-centered approach to assessment (1982). Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, 15, 103-106.

A client-centered approach to supervision (1983). The Counseling Psychologist, 11(1), 21-26.

Empathy, warmth and genuineness in psychotherapy: A review of reviews (1984). Psychotherapy, 21, 431-438.

What is the placebo in psychotherapy? (1985) Psychotherapy, 22, 163-169.

New light for counseling theory (1985). Journal of Counseling and Development, 63, 349-350.

Counselor training or counselor education? (1986). ACES Nesletter, Summer, 10-12.

Eklektik psikoterapinim Temelleri (Foundations for an eclectic psychotherapy) (1986). Psikologi Dergisi (Turkey), 19(5), 26-29.

Culture and counseling in Hong Kong (1986). The Chinese University Education Journal (Hong Kong), 14(2), 77-81.

Values in psychotherapy (1986). Counseling and Values, 33, 164-176.

What has happened to humanistic education? (1987). Michigan Journal for Counseling and Development, 18(1), 8-10.

With F.G. Patterson. Review of E.S. Savage-Rumbaugh, "Ape Language: From conditioned response to symbol" (1988). American Journal of Psychology, 101, 582-590.

Eclecticism in psychotherapy: Is integration possible? (1989). Psychotherapy, 26, 157-161.

Foundations for a systematic eclecticism (1989). Psychotherapy, 26, 427-435.

Involuntary clients: A person-centered view (1989). Person-Centered Review, 5, 316-320.

On being client-centered (1989). Person-Centered Review, 5, 422-425.

Response to Blocher and Corey (1989). Counseling and Values, 34, 49-50.

1990 - 1996

On misrepresentation and misunderstanding (1990). Psychotherapy, 27, 301.

The education of counselors and psychotherapists: A proposal (1992). Asian Journal of Counseling, 1(1), 1-4.

Outcomes in counselor education (1993). Asian Journal of Counseling, 2(1), 81-88.

Are consumers of psychotherapy able to make an informed choice? Or do they have a choice? Psychotherapy Bulletin, 29(4), 40-41.

A universal system of psychotherapy (1995). The Person-Centered Journal, 2(1) 54-62.

Some thoughts on the end of a career (1996). The Counseling Psychologist, 24, 335-347.

Still relevant, still revolutionary (1996). [Special retrospective review of Rogers.] Contemporary Psychology, 41, 759-762.

Multicultural counseling: From diversity to universality (1996). Journal of Counseling and Development, 74, 227-231.

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Copyright 2006, C.H. Patterson
Email: sage1@mindspring.com