




            Recommended Links by Dr. C.H. Patterson           

The American Psychological Association

Person-Centered International

    Person-Centered International is a multi-faceted network organization dedicated to the promotion and application of person-centered principles. Members are dedicated to research, education, clinical application, and societal influence of the principles and philosophy hypothesized by Carl R. Rogers. This page links to currently active members of PCI.


    Psychotherapy.net includes in-depth interviews and psychotherapy videos with Master Therapists (Yalom, Meichenbaum, Ellis, Kernberg, Gottoman, Insoo Kim Berg, Bugental, Polster and others), lively articles by therapists about their work, therapy cartoons, Psych Links and more resources to inspire therapists. No dry academic drivel here.

The Gorilla Foundation

    The Gorilla Foundation is home to Koko, the gorilla most famous for having learned to communicate in American Sign Language, create beautiful representational paintings, and care for her own pet kittens. Additionally, the Foundation, led by Dr. Francine (Penny) Patterson, is establishing a unique preserve for endangered gorillas in a tropical climate most suitable for their species. This secluded sanctuary on Maui, Hawaii will provide a safe refuge for future generations of gorillas, and provide a model for similar conservation efforts to save great apes and our shared environment.

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Copyright 2005, C.H. Patterson
Email: sage1@mindspring.com